Source: Teaching and Assessing Reflection Highter Education Newsletter, Issue 4, June 2011
4Rs Model
Level 1 Reporting & Responding
Report what happened or what the issue or incident involved.
Why is it relevant?
Respond to the incident or issue by making observations, expressing your opinion, or asking questions.
Level 2 Relating
Relate or make a connection between the incident or issue and your own skills, professional experience, or discipline knowledge.
Have I seen this before?
Were the conditions the same or different?
Do I have the skills and knowledge to deal with this? Explain.
Level 3 Reasoning
Highlight in detail significant factors underlying the incident or issue.
Refer to relevant theory and literature to support your reasoning.
Consider different perspectives. How would a knowledgeable person perceive/handle this?
What are the ethics involved?
Level 4 Reconstructing
Reframe or reconstruct future practice or professional understanding.
How would I deal with this next time?
What might work and why?
Are there different options?
What might happen if ....?
Are my ideas supported by theory
Can I make changes to benefit others?