Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Teaching and assessing Reflection in Higher Education - Workshop

The Centre For Recording Achievement have just announced the following workshop.

Manchester Metropolitan University, All Saints Campus, Monday 2nd July 2012.
A ‘leading edge’ workshop: Ormond Council Chamber,
Further details and a booking form are attached to this email. If you have any queries, or are looking to book, then email me – Daniel Brookes – at Daniel@recordingachievement.org – or telephone Cath or I for a chat on 01942 826761. With speakers from the Queensland University of Technology, this day-long event promises to be a really illuminating experience!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The e-portfolio implementation toolkit has just been published following a JISC-funded project

The toolkit is designed to support those involved in the implementation of e-portfolios in Higher Education, Further Education and work-based learning. Follow the link below for further information and to access the toolkit.


"Pedagogy for employability" - new HEA publication Authors Ann Pegg, Jeff Waldock, Sonia Hendy-Isaac, Ruth Lawton


The above publication is a revised and updated version of the first version published in 2006.
The publication "has been updatd with the practitioner in mind - those teaching in the classroom and those engaging with policy and student interactions in other ways, such as careers guidance and learning development workers.
Contents include:
  • The economic and policy context for the different nations and ways that individual institutions have responded to this.
  • Definitions of employability
  • The emergence of models for employability
  • Curriculum design and development, which includes:
    • learning and teaching practice;
    • assessment;
    • work-based and work-related learning;
    • staff engagement;
    • pedgogy;
    • strategy.
  • Areas for future work
  • 10 different case studies from across the UK