Monday 6 December 2010

PDP and the importance of self-knowledge

Many students will be engaging in Personal Development Planning (PDP) and reflecting on knowledge of self as a crucial part of that process. However, this type of activity can be quite difficult and where on-line tools can be quite effective, not only in their outcomes, but also the thinking processes some of the tools take you through. They can take no longer to complete than drinking a cup of coffee.

Why are these tools valuable?
  • Employers tell us that they want to really get to know graduate candidates, and expect applicants to articulate 'who they are', including their strengths and weaknesses. Tools such as the ones below can help provide students with the insight and language to do that well.
  • Knowledge of self is a crucial part of the career decision making process, to ensure the career path chosen is the right one.
  • Finding the right career can mean you are happier and more successful.

Our students can access a number of these tools (Adult Directions and Profiling for Success) through our Career Development Website:

Adult Directions and Profiling for Success

In the Career Development Centre we also have ProMicad - a great tool that gives detailed feedback on your values and motivators - unfortunately there isn't an on line version, but students can be encouraged to call into the CDC in the lower ground floor of the Library, where a member of staff will show them how to access the tool.

Other On-line tools can be found at the following addresses:

Prospects Planner - (website:

Target Jobs Careers Report -

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